ACCESS Interpreting Services




Advocacy • Community • Excellence •

Our Services

  • Our qualified medical interpreters undergo annual HIPAA training and specialize in medical terminology.

  • Our educational interpreters hold the state standard requirements of an EIPA 3.5+. We can provide interpreters qualified for any setting from K-12, post secondary, or workshops and conferences.

  • We secure qualified interpreting teams for legal settings. Legal settings can be meetings with lawyers, correctional settings, and even IEP meetings. These settings are best with a certified Deaf interpreter (CDI) along with a certified and experienced sign language interpreter.

  • Our interpreters are prepared to interpret for business training, interviews, general meetings, and any other need your business may have. We also provide interpreting for Vocational Rehabilitation Services (VR) and on-job training.

  • We have numerous highly experienced religious interpreters. They have expertise in religious terminology and various theology to make them qualified for numerous settings. These interpreters are great for church services, conferences, weddings, funerals, and working with chaplain services.

  • In emergency situations, getting the information to the Deaf community is vital to their health and wellbeing in the midst of a disaster. Providing qualified interpreters for television broadcasts is an essential part of ensuring the safety of all citizens.

  • Do you have questions about interpreting accommodations? Do you need help planning for people who are Deaf? We can help!


~Gina (Angelina Leve, RN, MSN, BC -FNP)

“Hannah was amazingly wonderful. She placed the patient at ease and effectively communicated the patient’s responses and needs. I just can’t thank her enough for standing in the gap. She gets a AAA+++ rating from me!”

Deaf Client

She’s great, respectful, and honestly [Jacquelyn] is very nice interpreter.

What our clients are saying…

Deaf Client

Yes and it was wonderful and I never have that before. And I'm so happy to have [Jacquelyn]. It make me feel good and Friendly. Thank you so much.

Deaf Client

Interpreter explain very clear 😊👍


You have the ACCESS EXCELLENCE Guarantee.

If we make a mistake, we promise to make it right. We are committed to excellence in every way, including finding satisfactory resolutions for our consumers.