Jacquelyn Moore
President and Founder of
ACCESS Interpreting Services, Inc.

 Hello, my name is Jacquelyn Moore.

My story starts as a student in my very first ASL class at the local community college. Originally, my goal was to become a sign language interpreter and work independently for other agencies and entities. When I became aware of the lack of any sign language agencies in my area, I developed a dream "to start my own local agency one day"... little did I know that my dream would become an actual reality. Through the years, as an interpreter I quickly learned that most language agencies focus on spoken language, and simply tack on ASL. It seemed as though actual qualifications of the interpreters being secured for assignments didn't matter as long as they had their "credentials". NC is a licensure state, so as long as an interpreter holds a license (provisional or full) they are hired. The Deaf suffered from the lack of skills of the interpreters they were provided. They would leave their appointments confused and disempowered.

A fire within me was lit and my passion for advocacy on their behalf resulted in the birth of my agency, ACCESS. Due to my background as an interpreter, ACCESS specializes in the unique needs of the Deaf and HOH community. We focus not on simply "filling requests with a warm body" as seems the status quo. We highlight excellence in the services we provide by requiring skill assessment screenings and assigning jobs according to skill set not credentials only. We involve the Deaf community and seek their feedback. My staff, affectionately dubbed "the core”, share my passion in advocating for the rights of the Deaf and HOH community we serve. As an interpreter I can only do so much; but as an agency owner I can do so much more as an ally, providing a standard of excellence in what true access should look like. This same passion and desire for excellence has actually resulted in my latest dream turned reality, my very first non-profit, ASL ACE INC (DBA: ASL OWL).

My educational path led me to various interpreting programs including Central Piedmont Community College, University of Northern Colorado (Do It Center), and ultimately, Gardner-Webb University where I graduated with an accredited bachelors in American Sign Language. As a result of this labor-intensive endeavor, I truly became aware of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing as a CULTURE and COMMUNITY with its own unique language, values, and identity. It was in the midst of this journey that a vision was planted for a local agency that would provide ACCESS. In summer of 2008, that vision became a reality. ACCESS Interpreting Services was born.